
Since the inception, the University has been taking all possible steps to build up a well-equipped modern library. A Library that is attached to a higher education institution which serves two complementary purposes to support the school's curriculum, and to support the research of the university faculty and students. The library’s purpose is to enrich teaching, learning and research endeavors of the university by delivering easy access to relevant information resources and providing quality services and facilities. For proper management of the library resources, Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system is used. The University Library offers its users a full range of information and enquiry services with the help of state-of-state techniques and technologies.


The GUB Library’s mission is to the success and impact of the GUB community by providing access to, expert assistance with, and stewardship of recorded knowledge; by investing in environments conducive to study, learning, and collaborative research; and by collecting and stewarding its contributions to knowledge and society.


The GUB Library will be an interdisciplinary resource for the entire community that enables transformative research and education through its provision of critical scholarship, tools, and services.


To support the mission of the university as a premier academic and research institution embracing traditional values of higher education as well as the knowledge required for the global community. Provide current library materials and databases that support the academic curriculum Provide access to information resources, regardless of location Collect library materials in all formats, broaden and update all collections to meet the To provide greater access to digital collections while continuing to build and improve access to collections in all formats to meet the research and teaching needs of the university. The needs of GUB’s programs and support the various aspects of the institution: teaching, training, research and services Continue to strengthen and update all collections to meet the needs of GUB programs Provide access to library resources and servers via web pages and online recourses Work closely with users; know their needs and interests Put into practice the motto that building library resources is a continuous process Enhance information literacy, especially in the student community, by developing effective plans aiming at improving student ability to To provide and ensure quality services and good professional practice in library activities.

Basic Information

We have been working hard and soul to develop a set of values that will influence the work of the Library.

We are pleased to announce that:

A library environment that is safe, welcoming, and offers a variety of comfortable spaces that will inspire learning, research and creativity.

Users’ purchase suggestions will be received online and taken into consideration according to the purchase rules.

These values will inform the evaluation of our current services and new ones.

Collection Overview:

German University Library's collections encompass a rich and varied universe of printed volumes, digital resources, maps, media, and archival materials. The Library's digital collection continues to grow at a rapid pace.

Subject Strengths:

The Library has comprehensive collections to meet the needs of its users. The Library provides a variety of services designed to support students, faculty members, researchers, and staff members of German University Bangladesh. The GUB Library develops and maintains extensive print and e-resources to support the research, teaching, and learning activities of the University. The core collections encompass subjects in computer, electronic, materials, mechanical, civil and environmental engineering, food science, animal health, human health, business, banking and accounting, History, Literature, humanities, art and design, biological and life sciences, Bangladesh studies, etc. The Library has extensive holdings including print collections (collections are mostly open access), and e-resources collections including journals, e-books, theses, student projects, research reports, etc. in full text. The information sources are easily accessible, relevant, reliable, and of high quality.

Reading Room:

The Library offers two types of reading room services; one is Silent Study area and is another for group study area.

Info Service for Students

German University Bangladesh

38 T & T Road,Telepara,Chandna Chowrasta,Joydebpur,Gazipur - 1702. Bangladesh
: +88 02-224495059
: +88 0176-767600282
: [email protected]

Admission Office

German University Bangladesh

University Building, 38 Telepara T & T Road, Chandana Chowrasta Gazipur Sadar - 1702.Bangladesh
: +88 02-9294511
: +88 0176-767600282
: [email protected]

Permanent Campus

German University Bangladesh

University Street Guptabrindaban, Sagordighi, Ghatail, Tangail.
: +88 02-224495059
: [email protected]