Ph.D. in Biology
Institution: King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Grade: CGPA 5 out of 5
Passing Year: July 2020
M.S. in Biotechnology
Institution: North South University, Dhaka
Grade: CGPA 4 out of 4
Passing Year: March 2014
B.Sc. (Honours) in Botany
Institution: University of Chittagong, Chittagong
Grade: CGPA 3.65 out of 4 (ranked 1st class 5th among 52 students)
Passing Year: September 2011
Institution: Gazipur Cantonment Board College, Gazipur
Group: Science
Institution: Rani Bilasmoni Govt. Boys’ High School, Gazipur
Group: Science
1. Assistant Professor (part-time), Department of Biotechnology, German University Bangladesh, Gazipur.
Duration: October 2022 – April 2024
2. Postgraduate Research Student (Research Assistant), Department of Biological Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Duration: September 2017 – August 2018
3. Lab Assistant in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Lab, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, North South University, Dhaka
Duration: July 2014 – October 2014
4. Graduate Assistant, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, North South University, Dhaka
Duration: January 2013 – April 2013
Cell Biology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Plant Biotechnology
Research Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals (+ indicates joint-first author, * indicates corresponding author)
1. Khan MMA*, Duan J, Glick BR, Finnegan PM, Kabli SA, Al-Garni SMS. 2021. Draft genome sequence of the plant growth-promoting bacterium Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes KB-10. Microbiology Resource Announcements. 10 (20): e00311-21. doi: 10.1128/MRA.00311-21
2. Ahmed MMM, Khan MMA, Al-Garni SMS, Bora RS, Kabli SA. 2020. Comparative molecular studies of halophilic bacteria from saline water and soil in the Saudi environment. Bioscience Journal. 36(3): 1024-1031. doi: 10.14393/BJ-v36n3a2020-49988
3. Al-Garni SMS, Khan MMA+*, Bahieldin A. 2019. Plant growth-promoting bacteria and silicon fertilizer enhance plant growth and salinity tolerance in Coriandrum sativum. Journal of Plant Interactions. 14(1): 386-396. doi: 10.1080/17429145.2019.1641635
4. Rahman M, Sabir A, Mukta JA, Khan MMA, Mohi-Ud-Din M, Miah MG, Rahman M, Islam MT. 2018. Plant probiotic bacteria Bacillus and Paraburkholderia improve growth, yield, and content of antioxidants in strawberry fruit. Scientific Reports. 8:2504. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-20235-1
5. Khan MMA, Haque E, Paul NC, Khaleque MM, Al-Garni SMS, Rahman M, Islam MT. 2017. Enhancement of growth and grain yield of rice in nutrient deficient soils by rice probiotic bacteria. Rice Science. 24(5): 264-273. doi: 10.1016/j.rsci.2017.02.002
Chapters in Books
1. Khan MMA, Finnegan PM, Mahmood MS, Bahieldin A, Al-Garni SMS, Anwar Y, Islam MT. 2019. Enhancement of abiotic stress tolerance in plants by probiotic bacteria. In: Hasanuzzaman M, Fujita M, Oku H, Islam MT, editors. Plant tolerance to environmental stress: role of exogenous phytoprotectants. Boca Raton, USA: Taylor & Francis Group, p. 381-402
2. Khan MMA, Anjum M, El Omri A, Bahieldin A, Al-Garni SMS. 2018. Bioremediation: trends and latest applications. In: Anwar Y, Hakeem KR, Al-Harby H, editors. Environmental contamination and bioremediation. UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishers, p. 39-68
3. Khan MMA, Khatun A, Islam MT. 2016. Promotion of plant growth by phytohormone producing bacteria. In: Garg N, Aeron A, editors. Microbes in action. New York, USA: Nova Science Publishers, p. 45-76
Abstracts in International Conferences and Symposia
1. Khan MMA, Glick BR, Finnegan PM, Duan J, Kabli SA, Ghamdi KM, Rahman U, Howlader M, Hossain MN, Al-Garni SMS, Bahieldin A. 2019. Plant growth-promoting Pseudomonas pseudoalkaligenes KB-10 promotes growth and improves salt stress tolerance in coriander plants. 3rd International miCROPe Symposium, 2-5 December, Vienna, Austria, p.133
2. Khan MMA, El Omri A, Finnegan PM, Kabli SA, Bahieldin A, Al-Garni SMS. 2018. Plant growth-promoting Pseudomonas putida KB-25) isolated from alfalfa rhizosphere increases seed germination and vigor index in alfalfa and cucumber. 41st New Phytologist Symposium, 11-13 April, Nancy, France, p. 52
3. Khan MMA, El Omri A, Kabli SA, Bahieldin A, Al-Garni SMS. 2018. Characterization of plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) isolated from the rhizosphere of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). 3rd International Conference on Bioscience and Biotechnology (BioTech-2018), 8-9 March, Colombo, Sri Lanka, p.20
1. Effectiveness of plant growth-promoting bacteria and silicon to improve salt stress tolerance in Coriandrum sativum. (Doctoral Thesis)
2. Isolation and molecular identification of plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) associated with rice (Oryza sativa L.). (MS Thesis)
3. Comparative molecular studies of halophilic bacteria from saline water and soil in the Saudi environment. (Research Project funded by Deanship of Scientific Research, King Abdulaziz University)
Received the Best Overall Presentation Award at the 3rd International Conference on Bioscience and Biotechnology held in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Received Ph.D. Fellowship awarded by Deanship of Graduate Studies, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.