BBA, MBA (1st class 1st) Department of Markerting BRUR. Passing year both BBA and MBA in 2018 and 2019 respectively.
Lecturer in Marketing, Department of Business Administration since 13th June 2023 to present
1. MM Mridha, MS Hossain, MS Chowdhury, M Al-Imran ‘Factors influencing consumers’ attitude towards online shopping in Rangpur City’. International Multidisciplinary Research Journal (India) Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages 15-24
2. Md. Morsalin Mridha c++ and Md. Aktarul Islam d# Md. Salim Chowdhury a, Md. Al-Imran a, Md. Sajjat Hossain b++* ‘Social Media as a tool for Brand promotion: A Content Analysis of Three Fashion Brands’ Facebook Page’. Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies, Volume 48, Issue 1, Pages 28-36
Online Marketing, Business and Promotion, Consumer Behavior, Tourism Marketing, Brand Management, Customer Value and Satisfaction, Pricing strategy
1.Two times Bangabandhu Merit scholarship award from- BRUR 2.MBA first position award from Marketing Department- BRUR. 3.BBA third position award from Marketing Department- BRUR 4.Four times merit position award from Gazipur Cantonment College